October, 2019 –
At the end of October, the second annual meeting took place at Kamenny Vrch, between the users of geographical information systems (GIS) Military forests and properties, š.p. and their creators, GIS team YMS.

They discussed their experiences with the application, tried new functions and recommended procedures for new but also existing working processes. Amongst the most interesting news is definitely the addition of access to satellite images from the satellite Sentinel-2 program Copernicus with the option to view them in their true colours (RGB), as a composition in false colours with infrared band, or as a vegetative or humidity index for evaluating the state of vegetation and monitoring humidity and dryness. They were also interested in the live demonstration of the first version of the application Offline GIS, which allows access to geographical data even in areas without access to or with a very weak connection to the internet, and which will soon be available to all employees.



You can find out more in the article, that was released in the winter edition of the magazine Military forests.
Meeting of GIS users