June, 2020 –
The State Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slovak Republic (ŠVPS SR) has begun country-wide usage of the new application “Registration of captured and stray animals” (ROTZ), which was created by YMS.

Quarantine stations, shelters and registered catchers are required to register the animal they have taken into their care, including pictures and identification, into the application ROTZ. “The goal of the initiative, imposed by the ŠVPS as law, is to unify the records of captured and stray animals for parties, that share in the care for them, and at the same time create a registry available to the public. This registry will serve the owners of lost animals, where they can immediately confirm whether their animal has been captured and taken into a shelter or quarantine station. They can do so by date, place, pictures or chip number of the lost animal. Simultaneously, it is the interest of ŠVPS SR to impede the spread of dangerous diseases, that these animals spread through free movement.”, says MVDr. Mária Čelková from the department of health and protection of animals  ŠVPS SR.
“The application ROTZ is constructed from a part accessible to allowed parties and to a part accessible to the public. The public has access not only to the registry of animals, which records the date, time and place at which the animal was captured, if a chip is available then the chip number and a picture, but also to a list of shelters, quarantine stations and veterinarians. The goal is to help ŠVPS be as effective as possible in managing their agenda of stray animals, in which there are several entities, including cities and villages. The latter are required, under law, to take responsibility of each animal, that by 3 months hasn’t found their owner. And at the same time reunite as many lost animals with their owners,” says Marek Ivaňák, the technical director of YMS, a.s.
Electronic records disrupts the so far used forms and in some cases postal sending of paper notices about captured and admitted animals to the central administration of  ŠVPS SR. Part of the initiative are also automatic notifications for cities and villages, because by law they become the owners of animals that were not successful in being reunited with their original owners.
At present, the application contains records of animals that were captured in the month of May and gradually new are being added. Data originates from the central records of ŠVPS SR, whereas quarantine stations have a lawful obligation to fill in missing details, including a picture of the animal. If you belong to people, whose pet was lost in May 2020, it is probable, that if they were captured, they can be found in the public database.
Access to the application can be found here: Registry of captured and stray animals